Day 33 - Finals Planning

Fall 2022

Dr. Jared Joseph

November 30, 2022

A Moment

Counseling Services: 413-585-2800

If you think you need adjustments to course material, please send me a message or visit in office hours.



  • The Final Weeks
  • Final Project Overview
  • Idea Shopping


Get started on Project 3.

The Final Weeks

A Roadmap

Date Topic
Today Roadmap/Project 3 Time
11/30 Text as Data
12/2 Networks as Data/ Quiz 4
12/5 Geospatial Data
12/7 Project 3 Time
12/9 Project 3 Time
12/12 Project 3 Presentations
12/14 Finals Due

Advanced Methods Survey

There’s still so much to learn!





The grader and I are meeting tomorrow to grade everything thus far.

  • Lab 8
  • Project 2
  • Quiz 3

Looking through the project commits:

  • Final!
  • really final commit!
  • small edits
  • making edits
  • i have no idea what this is

You are not alone (profanity warning)

Final Project

Project Structure

Similar to past projects except:

Project topic is self-selected

There is no set topic for this project. Everyone is encouraged to ask a question they want to know the answer to.

There is no set output

Projects will be scoped and a final output will be decided upon in agreement with Dr. Joseph.

For Today

  1. Collect project ideas (Anonymous Google form 1)
  2. Tabulate interest (Anonymous Google form 2)
  3. Expand on project ideas
  4. Form groups
  5. Scope projects and investigate data availability (with help)

Generating Project Ideas

The freedom to study anything can be daunting! Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What interests do you have generally?
  • Can you ask any questions about your interests in a data driven way?
  • How can you mix your major with data science?
  • How can you make this project work for you?

Final Presentation

Each group will give a final presentation on the last day of class.

  • 75 mins / # groups
  • Cover the highlights from your project
    • What was your question
    • What was your data
    • What were your methods
    • What did you find

Get feedback before you turn in your final.

Treat it like an outline for your final report.

Final Report

Similar to previous reports in content, but can be more divided among team members.

Not everyone needs to work through the whole process. Members can specialize in one specific area like

  • Data collection
  • Data cleaning
  • Analysis
  • Visualization
  • Reporting & Ethics

Work on whatever you want to improve.

Idea Shopping

For Next Time


Text as Data
