Day 16 - Project 1

Fall 2022

Dr. Jared Joseph

October 17, 2022



  • Introduce the Project
  • Explain the data
  • Share some Tips for Success


Explain Project 1 and its requirements.

The Project

Smith College Museum of Art

The Smith College Museum of Art (SCMA) staff want to better understand how people use the museum website.

The Task

Your teams will be conducting exploratory data analyses on real museum data to help the staff understand how people use their website.

Your task is to create a portfolio of data summaries, tables, and visualizations, then explain them to a non-coding audience.




The Data

Real data from the SCMA website spanning from July 2021 to June 2022.

  • Visitors
  • Searches
  • Social Media Referrals
  • Shop
  • More …

Tips for Success

Project Structure

Know your Data

Separate the Work

Minimum Viable Product

Consider the Standards

Push the Boundaries

For Next Time