R/R studio


Learning to code is like learning a language, meaning you can only get better by practicing. Today we’re going to practice some R fundamentals. You are encouraged to work with your neighbors on these problems. If you ever get stuck, call over myself or the data assistant for help.

Problem Sets

1. Data Types

There are five main data types in R, they are:

  • logical - TRUE or FALSE
  • integer - whole numbers like 1, 5, 100
  • numeric - numbers with decimal places like 5.25
  • character - anything with letters
  • factors - for categorical data, numbers with descriptive labels
  • NA - NA are the absence of data, or something missing.

Depending on the type of data, you can only perform certain actions on them. For example, in the console, type 1 + 4 and press enter. Works fine! Now try 1 + "pie". No good. In the later example, we tried to add a numeric and a character, which R can’t understand.

For each of the following, try using the class() function to discover the data type. Try to guess what each one is before you run the function.

  • 5
  • 6.4
  • TRUE
  • "FALSE"

2. Vectors

Everything in R is a vector, which is an ordered arrangement of data of the same type. Even single bit of data, like if you enter "a" into the console, returns [1] "a", which is showing a vector of length 1, with our data "a" in it. You can test it out yourself using the length() function.

In the console, type length("a") and press enter. The length() function will look at a vector, and tell you how many elements it has, or how many pieces of data there are inside it. As an example, try the following; in the console type c("a", "b", "c"), it returns a vector with three elements. Now try length(c("a", "b", "c")), what did it return? Notice that is only returned a single number describing the vector it was given.

You can also run class() on a vector, which is an ordered arrangement of data. you can make vectors using the c(), or combine, function. Try to guess the type of the following vectors before using class(). Remember, a vector can only hold one type of data!

  • c(1, 2, 3, 4)
  • c("five", "six", "seven")
  • c(8, "9", 10)
  • c(TRUE, FALSE)

Vectors take some getting used to, but as you come to understand how they work, you will be able to take advantage of how powerful R really is. One important property of a vector is that you can apply actions to all elements of a vector at once. For example, once again run 1 + 4 in the console. You will get back a vector of length 1, with the result of [1] 5, meaning the element in position 1 of our vector is 5. Now try 1 + c(4, 5, 6, 7). What do you think will happen?

This vectorized mode of thinking takes some time to get used to. Run the following after trying to anticipate the results:

  • 5 + c(10, 20, 30)
  • c(10, 50, 100) / 5
  • c(1, 5, 10) + c(2, 4, 8)

Really take the time to think over these results, especially the third one.

Explain the results of 5 + c(10, 20, 30) and c(1, 5, 10) + c(2, 4, 8). What is being done to each vector that would cause the results we are seeing?

In the first example (5 + c(10, 20, 30)) five is being added to each element of the vector.

In the second example (c(1, 5, 10) + c(2, 4, 8)) each element of the vector is being added with the element in the same position of the other vector.

Some functionalities of R only make sense on a vector, for example, taking the mean() or average. It would be pointless to take the average of one number!

Try this:

mean(c(1, 5, 10))

3. Objects

You don’t have to type out your vector every time you want to use it, you can save it to an object using an assignment. Try typing letter_vec <- c("a", "b", "c") and pressing enter. You should see letter_vec appear in your environment tab on the upper right. Type letter_vec into the console and press enter. We see the same data as if we had just entered c("a", "b", "c") again, because that is what we saved inside the letter_vec object.

Create a vector called number_vec of 10 numbers. The numbers can be any you like.

number_vec <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

We can now start to do things to the object we created. Try using class() and length() on our letter_vec and number_vec objects.

You can use vectors with each other as well. Try the following: number_vec + number_vec

You can ask for only part of a vector by using the square brackets [ ]. Say we wanted the letters in the first, third, and fifth positions of our letter_vec object. I could ask R for letter_vec[c(1, 3)], and get back c("a", "c").

Create a vector called example_vector containing c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11), and then get the values in the fourth, fifth, and sixth position.

example_vector <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

example_vector[c(4, 5, 6)]

4. NAs

NAs are missing values. They cause a lot of problems, and are very common. A good portion of the work of data scientists is know how to work around missing values. Let’s re-do some of our earlier examples to to get a handle on NAs.

First, what happens if we try and add to a NA?

NA + 1

It will return another NA. Why? Because we don’t know what the value of 1 plus an unknown would be, so it is safest to just remain unknown. The same is true with NAs in a vector.

1 + c(NA, 1, 2)

We can get the results for known values, but the unknown will stay unknown. This is true if something uses all elements of a vector, like mean(). Try: mean(c(NA, 5, 10)). Everything turns into an NA, because without knowing all the numbers, we can’t be certain what the mean would be.

NAs do count as an element in a vector though, as we can see if we run length(c(1, 2, 3)) and length(c(NA, 2, 3)). Put simply, NAs exist, we just don’t know what they are.

Imagine you are collecting data by asking people questions on a survey. When would you want to write down NA? Is there a difference between NA and someone responding “I don’t know”?

An NA is meant to represent missing data. For example, if you handed out a survey, and someone returned it to you without an answer. If someone wrote ‘I don’t know’ that is an answer in itself, and thus not an NA.

5. Dataframes

Recall that dataframes are aggregations of vectors into rows and columns. They must be square, meaning that all the columns must be of equal length, and all rows must have values in every column. There can be NAs though, so watch out! For this section, we’re going to be looking at the results of our class survey.

To get started, copy the following into the R console and press enter to run it. read.csv is a function that reads tabular (square) data into R and creates a dataframe so we can work with it. We are giving it the argument of the URL for our class data survey to load that data from. We are then asking it to put the results into an object called survey. We will be coming back to this data later on in the problem set.

You can learn more about read.csv by opening the help file using ?read.csv.

survey = read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Intro-to-Data-Science-Template/intro_to_data_science_reader/main/content/class_worksheets/4_r_rstudio/data/survey_data.csv")


Let’s start by looking at the survey. You can do this by going over to the Environment tab in the upper right pane in R Studio. Click on the survey object you see there. This will open a viewer for you to look at the data. Can you find yourself?

We can also use some functions to get a summary. Start by entering str(survey) into the console. str() stands for Structure, and gives us an overview of dataframe objects. We can see how many obs or observations there are (rows) as well as how many variables there are (columns). It then lists all the variables, what type they are, and a preview of the contents.

How many variables are there of each type in the survey dataframe?

  • Logical: 6
  • Integer: 3
  • Numeric: 0
  • Character: 14

Another good tool for starting to understand a dataframe is the head() function. head() will display the first handful of rows for you in the console so you can see what they look like. There is also the companion function of tail(), but that is used less often. Try both on our survey data before moving on.


One of the most important skills you will develop in R is how to work with dataframes, and how to subset them, or select only the content from them that you want. The two basic ways to do this is with the dollar sign $ and with square brackets [ ]. The $ lets you ask for specific columns from a dataframe. For example, if I wanted the column of just the average hours of sleep from our class, I could call ask for the hours_sleep column from the survey dataframe by entering survey$hours_sleep. Try that now. You should get back a vector of that single column. The same format will work to call any column by name.

Using the $ and the mean(), find the average hours of sleep our class gets per night.


Another way to subset dataframes with with square brackets [ ]. Imaging a dataframe is like a map with a grid. You can find any spot on that map by finding the intersection of the grid coordinates. The same is true of a dataframe. For example, if I wanted the value in the third row and fourth column in our survey dataframe (it contains the value 27), I could ask for it by entering survey[*row*, *column*] or survey[3, 4].

Get the values of each of the following:

  • Row 5, column 5
  • Row 2, column 20
  • Row 13, column 11
  • survey[5,5] = r survey[5,5]
  • survey[2,20] = r survey[2,20]
  • survey[13,11] = r survey[13,11]

You can also use the square brackets to ask for full columns, like $. Simply put the name of the column (in quotes!) in place of the column number, for example survey[ , "hours_sleep"]. Whenever you want everything, you can just leave a blank space. You can even get whole rows this way, but that isn’t used as often; like this survey[1, ].

A good way to work out how to use square brackets is the phrase “such that.” For example, if I wanted “survey data such that it included rows 1, 2, and 5, and column ‘hours sleep,’” that would translate to survey[c(1, 2, 5), "hours_sleep"].

Always use the names of columns when using square brackets if possible. Columns may move what spot they are in, so calling them by number position can be dangerous. R will return whatever is in that position, regardless of what you want! But it will always find the column with the same name, no matter what spot it is in.

Adding to Dataframes

You can add to dataframes using the same tools to subset from them. Rather than describing where to take data from, you’ll now be describing where the new data goes.

Say we wanted to add a new column to our survey dataframe. First, we would need some new data to add that is of equal length to the number of cases (rows) in the dataframe. We have 15 rows, so we need a vector of data of the same length, so one value will fit into each row of the dataframe. Let’s make a new vector of letters of the proper length.

letters is a pre-built object in R, meaning it is always there in the background; you can see it by typing letters into the console. Let’s use our new sub-setting skills to get enough letters to fit our dataframe. We can do this by creating a new object, new_column_vector, and assigning the appropriate number of letters, in our case 15; we can even let R pick the right number using the nrow() function! Try this: new_column_vector <- letters[1:nrow(survey)]. You may have noticed a shortcut I used here. If I want some numbers that are all next to each other, like 1-2-3 or 9-10-11, I can use a colon : to say “from this number to this number.” So 1:10 is the same thing as c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); handy!

Now that we’ve got our vector, we can add it to our dataframe! All you have to do is tell R what you want the new column to be called, and what to put in it. It looks like this: survey$COLUMN_NAME <- STUFF_TO_PUT_IN_COLUMN.

Put our new_column_vector in our survey dataframe, calling the new column alphabet.

survey$alphabet <- new_column_vector

Now if we inspect out dataframe by clicking on it in the environment pane, we should be able to scroll all the way to the right and see our new column!

6. Conditionals

Another way to subset is by making comparisons. Say we wanted to see the rows in our data only for people whose birthday is in May. If we go look at our survey data in the viewer by clicking on it in the environment pane again, we can see the variable b_month has months in it. Let’s test the type of that column using class(survey$b_month)

Now that we know the type of the b_month column, we can use that to subset the data. Where before we were just taking whole sections of the dataframe, now we are going to be asking for specific parts that match certain conditions, thus this is called conditional sub-setting. We define these conditions using comparison operators.


For now, we want to get the data only for those rows such that b_month is May. We can do that using the double equal sign comparison operator in R, ==. Comparison operators all compare one thing against another, and tell you if that comparison is TRUE or FALSE. The Equal operator, ==, will test if one thing, or vector of things, is equal to another. For example, try executing the following in the console:

  • 1 == 1
  • 1 == 2
  • 1 == c(1, 2, 1)

Now, let’s apply that same idea to our b_month column. Try executing survey$b_month == "May". This will take our b_month column, and test the condition that the values in b_month are equal to “May.” Note that capitalization matters! This get’s us halfway to our goal of seeing the data only for rows where b_month is May, but it’s not quite what we want. We now have a vector of TRUE and FALSE for b_month, now we want to use that to actually subset our data.

We are going to ask R for our survey data, such that we only see the rows there b_month is equal to May, including all columns. We can do that using survey[survey$b_month == "May", ].

There are several other common comparison operators, one of the most important being !=, which stands for not equal to. Try running survey[survey$b_month != "May", ], what does it return? Do you understand why?

The most common conditionals include:

  • == - Equal to
  • != - Not equal to
  • > - Greater than
  • >= - Greater than or equal to
  • < - Less than
  • <= - Less than or equal to